Monthly Archives: March 2018

  1. The Allure of our Play Zone Kit Cockring Set

    The Allure of our Play Zone Kit Cockring Set

    For a little TBT, check out this great little feature in the December 2017 issue of Allure Magazine.

    Nice to see the ladies are thinking of the men in their lives.

    And don't miss the hilarious "Bonus!"

    Play Zone Kit

    @Allure_magazine @PerfectFitBrand #sextoys #cockring #masturbation

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  2. How to Turn Your Male PC Muscle Exercises into Full Body Orgasms

    How to Turn Your Male PC Muscle Exercises into Full Body Orgasms

    We recently discovered the entertainingly erudite, sex-wonky British website by a gent named Seb Cox. Our previous share from the site was our post titled, "A Brief, but Spectacular History of the Cock Ring." 

    In our most recent perusal of CUMM, we discovered Seb holding forth on the importance of exercising your pubococcygeus muscle--aka the PC muscle–the muscle that stretches from your pubic bone to the bottom of your spine. screenshot

    According to wikiHow, "Strengthening the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle can help both sexes treat incontinence, as well as helping men avoid erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation."

    But, according to CUMM, there is also a far more motivating benefit. Doing your PC muscle exercises religiously will allow men to "achieve multi ejaculations that could only be described as uncontrollable, juddering, screaming pleasure re-connecting you to your original sacred sexual self, where heaven is to bask in God's love with no need to control, or be described, as anything other than, that, that is divine."

    Well! Who needs a more convincing than that to begin immediately! (We're did. Like right this very minute.)

    Click here to read the full post and to watch the refreshingly innocent instructional video (from which we pulled our teaser image).

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