Perfect Fit Brand Pitched a Really Big Tent At Folsom

Last Sunday’s Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco was a nothing short of a screaming success for Perfect Fit Brand.


Manning one of the biggest booths at the fair was CEO Steve Callow, Buck Angel ® FTM Line collaborator, Buck Angel himself, and the inimitable Barber Pete.

Models working the Fun Boy packer by Perfect Fit Brand

Upping the already considerable hotness factor, were our models, Jeremy, Chris and Wellington, modeling the newest innovation from the Buck Angel ® FTM line, the Fun Boy packer.  

Perfect Fit Brand booth at Folsom Street Fair

Perfect Fit Brand booth at Folsom Street Fair

Since not everyone can get to Folsom, and even those who do, get lost—or, ahem, busy—in the crowd, below our CEO Steve Callow answers a few questions and shares a really big load of photos from the day, staring with this gratuitous dick photo.

Steve Callow and Cutler X

Perfect Fit Brand had the one of the biggest booths of at the Folsom Street Fair. What was going on inside?
We had a over 4,000 giveaways, including a custom embossed 2017 Folsom Street Fair cock ring (with  a value of over $12.95), our very popular Perfect Fit brand lanyard and our printed cum rag. We also had an hourly draw for the Fun Boy 6.5 and a grand prize draw at the end of the day for a gift basket worth $500.00  

Buck Angel at the Perfect Fit Brand booth at Folsom

As Perfect Fit Brand makes products for everyone, what was the mix like at the booth? Mostly gay and trans?
The fair attracts a large leather and fetish community, I'd say mostly gay people but the winner of the grand prize was a straight couple, and we had lots of people wanting pictures with Buck!  

Kyle wins a Fun Boy

There were lines at the Perfect Fit Brand booth all day long. What was it that people seemed most curious about?
Yes, we had a line from before the event opened to the very last 10 minutes when we had to stop letting people in line.  Everyone one wanted to spin our gift wheel, it was extremely popular. When you think we gave away over $30,000 in prizes, it makes sense!  We were thrilled to be the Premiere and Exclusive Toy Sponsor for Folsom Street Events, so this was our opportunity to give back to our community.  

Modeling the Fun Boy packer by Perfect Fit Brand

You and a posse of hot models running working the Fun Boy packer, the newest item from the Buck Angel ® FTM Line of sexual health products Buck designs in collaboration with you and Perfect Fit Brand. You also gave away a Fun Boy every hour. What’s been the reaction to the Fun Boy?
The Fun Boy has been a huge hit every where it is shown, people loved seeing the models wear the product, it was a huge crowd draw and people were asking to buy on the spot.  

Perfect Fit Brand CEO take a break at Folsom for a boot shine

In addition to giving a way a Fun Boy packer on the hour, you gave away a jaw-dropping gift basket worth $500. (Everyone loves a big basket!) What was in it?  
We had a mix everything from our Ergoflo enemas, to our award winning Fat Boy products.  Also we had Bull Bags, the Play Zone and other great products in the basket.  

Buck and Steve and their big basket

What was Barber Pete working in the PFB booth?
Barber Pete (below) was having a blast managing the spinning of the prize wheel.  And people in line had a great time admiring him!

Perfect Fit Brand CEO Steve Callow and Barber Pete

Did you feel it was successful?  
It was a huge success for us.  As I mentioned, it was an honor to be part of the event as a sponsor, knowing our contributions were going to help our community directly. As well as being able to give away so many prizes in appreciation of our gay, fetish and transgender customers.  

Kit Steve Anna Ash at the Perfect Fit Brand booth at Folsom Street Fair

How did this year compare to other years?
It just keeps getting better, this year we added the hourly giveaways and increased the number of people on the stand.  We also implemented better crowd control and monitored the prize wheel so that that we could get participants through the line faster.  

Vice News interviews Buck at the Perfect Fit Brand booth at Folsom

Finally, any surprises?
Other than what a great day it was, we got some press. Vice News came by and interviewed both Buck and myself for a series on gender roles. That was pretty cool!

Below, the Perfect Fit Brand Folsom Street Fair gang, from left to right: Dave Champion, Chris, Barber Pete, Buck Angel, Steve Callow, Jeremy, Wellington.

The Perfect Fit Brand booth gang at Folsom Street Fair

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